The GardenDespatches from The Satyrs’ Forest

The fall of Ithaca

A short website status update, since my ongoing writer’s block on a relatively simple interesting-place-visit post wasn’t enough for the universe: Ithaca12, the beat-up old laptop on which this fine website is hosted, is poorly, and has a noticeable bulge coming up around the battery. Everything is backed up and i’m looking into a new, dedicated server machine, but if the site goes down all of a sudden, you’ll know why.


  1. Xanthe says…
    2w8373gz the United Kingdom

    Update²: new server has been ordered and should be here in the next week. I’m thinking i’ll call it piraeus.

  2. Xanthe says…

    Update³: I just found out via an incidental google that most laptops come with a setting in the bios to crank the maximum battery way down to forty or fifty percent, preventing the battery from ballooning up. *grits teeth* That would have been very helpful to know earlier…

  3. Xanthe says…

    Update⁴: Update Harder: Well, after a brief stopgap where i was perilously hosting the site on my desktop, we have a new server. RIP Ithaca, welcome Piraeus Persepolis.

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