- Lords of Misrule came and went, with three submissions.
- A whooooole bunch of new posts on The Garden.
- New page on Looking at the Big Sky, covering the Third World War.
- Six new links in the linkroll, bringing us up to 114(!) in total — plus a minor facelift.
- Added a beautiful plea for religious tolerance by Symmachus to the hoard of quotes.
- New words in the compendium: defrock, grisaille, terraqueous, and woebegone.
- Did some maintenance on “This’ll be on my videotape” after forgetting it existed for literal years.
- Delisted the index of my vinyl collection from the front page, because i hadn’t updated it for a while and it was more trouble than it was worth. RIP.
- “There are two continents” has been translated into Polish by a reader who, alas, never got back to my email about how would be best to credit them.
- Similarly, it’s embryonic for now, but i’ve been working on translating at least the landing page for the Foreſt of Shrines into Ancient Greek. The more i learn about the language, the more i love it — the melody, the freedom of where to put your words and why, the particles that turn what any other tongue would imply into explicit text…
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Lords of Misrule 2024
Transcribed from the main Lords of Misrule page, which has a shiny new lick of paint, so do check it out if you wish.
It’s that time of year again, isn’t it? When the days shrink and night begins to rule. A time for staying wrapped up inside with a cup of hot chocolate for some. But for us, dear readers — we know better by now, don’t we? The time approaches for merriment, mænadism, and of course… misrule. Io Saturnalia, friends.
This is our fourth annual Satyrs’ Forest Lords of Misrule, where in the spirit of the season, i put you — yes, you — in charge of the site. If you write or put together anything, absolutely, positively anything, and email it to misrule@satyrs.eu, come Saturnalia (that’s December the 17th through the 23rd, for those who aren’t up to date on their Roman calendar) i’ll put it on the site, etched in stone for all to see. Temporary defacements of pages are also quite welcome.
I kindly ask the same things of you as years past: no political polemics, and nothing that would get me in legal trouble, please. Other than that, anything goes. A video essay on the occult implications of Gremlins 2. A rant about how birch trees used to be better back in the old days before Big Nature made them cringe. Whatever you, my lords of misrule, want.
Submissions are open from now until the 15th of December, 2024. Have fun, be merry, and don’t be afraid to get weird with it!
In other news, though it’s been a quiet month…
- Added crybully, fane, voraginous, and yclept to the compendium of curious words.
- Various new posts on The Garden:
- Gave the index page an autumnal makeover, since it’s October and all.
- New posts on The Garden:
- Added some stuff on the historical evolution of pronouns to Są̂qʌk.
- The Panpipes now have a “top 10” section for my favourite songs of all time.
- Some more rejigging on the list of favourite films — every movie now has a nice video clip, and The Hudsucker Proxy, Little Shop of Horrors, and True Stories have made their way onto the list proper.
- Came up with some better “favourite heroines” for Proust’s Questionnaire, and decided i hated Le Corbusier and David Cameron enough to consider them among my “most disliked” historical characters.
- Realised somehow, somewhere, i’d flipped a switch and broken the comments system, which should now be working again. Apologies for the interruption.
- The index page has been given a fresh coat of paint and i’m quite pleased with how it’s come out.
Updated the about page, since it hadn’t been modified for nearly a year, and
made a little fake passport in the most audacious bit of CSS trickery
i’ve ever done.
- This also entailed spinning out the Proust’s questionnaire digression into its own new page!
- New map of a future Mars in the Cartothèque, possibly my favourite i’ve ever done.
New posts on The Garden:
- Ranking the sciences by how evil they are
- A despatch from Consett
- Ushaw Hall
- Stuff i watched recently: April, May, July
Link roundups:
- After a long period off the site, the calendrical table is back.
- Three new sites on the linkroll, including the oldest and newest of them all.
- Three new words for the compendium — hippotigrine, hyaline, and sybaritic.
- The page of favourite films now features video clips instead of screenshots for the top ten.
- New Discord funny moment.
- Switched the server this site is hosted on from one beat-up old laptop to another beat-up old laptop.
I forgor to update. Skull emoji goes here.
- New page! My predictions for 2024.
- New page! The Cartothèque, showing maps what i’ve made and/or liked.
- New page! The return of Są̂qʌk, an old conlang of mine.
- The biggest update to the linkroll in æons, with twenty (count ’em) sites bringing us up over the 100 mark for the first time.
- Shuffled around my picks for favourite films, adding Poor Things, Some Like It Hot, and Gremlins 2 — plus i finally wrote up my galaxy-brained theory about Synecdoche, New York.
- Four entries for 2023’s Lords of Misrule.
A whooole bunch of new posts on The Garden; some choice cuts:
- The Satyrs’ Forest’s 2023 word of the year is “rizz”
- The 2023 Horny Awards™ for movies and also other stuff mildly.
- In praise of mustelids
- The greatest impulse purchase in history
- New stuff on Looking at the Big Sky: A sketchy map of Earth in 2338, Humans, and some tools for my own use.
- In minor procedural news, since Creative Commons has been updating their website and breaking things, the public domain declaration now has its own page — and i’ve been working on properly open-sourcing the back end, including the code used to convert Gregorian dates to Attic ones.
Lords of Misrule 2023
It’s been a long year. That’s the traditional thing to say, but honestly, it’s been quite a short year for me, and autumn has crept up without me even noticing. That can only mean one thing…
Io Saturnalia!
It’s time, once again, for our third annual Satyrs’ Forest Lords of Misrule, where in the spirit of the season, i put you (yes, you) in charge of the site.
If you write or put togeher something — absolutely anything* — and email it to misrule@satyrs.eu, come Saturnalia (December 17 to 23, for those who aren’t up to date on their Roman calendar) i’ll put it up on the site, on the blog and on its own dedicated permanent subpage, etched in stone for all to see.
As in years past, i ask only that you refrain from political polemics and anything that would get this noble forest in legal trouble. Other than that, the sky is the limit. A video essay on the occult implications of Gremlins 2? A rant about that new skyscraper that blots out the view of your favourite billboard? Anything goes. Whatever you — my lords of misrule — want.
You can submit your entries from today until the 16th of December, 2023. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to get weird with it!
— Xanthe
I somehow neglected to inform the Log of Changes™ of perhaps the most significant change to the site in quite some time — let’s fix that. This site is now, after a prolonged hiatus, self-hosted on my very own computer-matic 9000! So much has changed that i don’t think i could even remember enough to list it all, but here’s the biggest additions:
- New page! Looking at the Big Sky, a home for a sci-fi paracosm that’s been in my head for ages.
- New page! My favourite films.
- A similar subpage for “The Internet’s 100 Favourite Albums”, documenting what else but the internet’s 100 favourite films.
- Split “One loan word per language” off to its own page.
- Added some new stuff to the linkroll and compendium of words.
- A whole bunch of stuff on The Garden — check out the Sledgehammer projection and a dispatch from Barnard Castle.
Whooh! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Apologies for the wait — it was one of those things where i kept putting it off until i finished this, and that, and this other thing and… you get the idea.
- Comments sections have been rolled out to more and more pages. Coming soon to a random obscure back page near you!
- New page! Introducing the EqualA, the last basemap anyone will ever need.
- New page! DOTPAD 9000: just start writing.
- New posts on The Garden:
- Did a wee bit of maintenance on the shrine pages — that for Dionysos now has a bilingual version of His Orphic hymn, for example.
- 7 new sites on the linkroll, plus it’ll finally remember your preferred theme.
- Gave the bucket list a fresh lick of paint.
- Added a few new quotes.
- …And songs i’ve cried to.
- …And a Discord funny moment.
- Delisted a few pages from the front page: the calendrical table was out of date, the Wikipedia directory desperately needed updating and i’d been putting it off for so long i realised i was never going to do it, and the timeline of world leaders was just a bit boring.
New page! I’m going to try and put more of the endless worldbuilding stuff that
exists entirely within my brain on the site, and the first to make the jump is the (currently quite
rudimentary) tales of the Cult of Phanes, a time-travelling group of hippy
- This all stemmed from “The Saturnine Rites”, a brief… thing that i bashed out in the middle of the night out of delirium and originally put on the blog.
- Tangentially related is Marcy the satyr, an auxilliary fursona of mine. (Apologies for the blatant self-insertion.)
- New page! The 100 greatest albums, as decided by the internet.
- New page! My predictions for 2023, following up me marking my 2022 predictions. (They weren’t very accurate.)
- Lords of Misrule came and went, with the following entries graciously provided by our readers:
I should also catch you up on the deluge of posts on The Garden:
- Arts and crafts: tidbits from Manchester
- Back to the Future (2024)
- The Satyrs’ Forest’s 2022 word of the year (It’s special military operation.)
- Dear Tate Modern, i have a very cool idea for an art exhibit that i think you would really like. P.S. I am not a crackpot.
- And this is where i’d switch to a Marshallese web host, If I Had One
- A despatch from Ashington
- The 2022 Satyrs’ Forest Horny Awards
- Link roundups numero XVI, XVII, X(mas)VIII, and XIX
- The gallery page has been completely renovated, with an all new layout, dozens of new artworks, and an annoying receptionist.
- Also renovated is the newly-renamed Codex Satyrorum. More texts, better looks, more languages; what more do you want?
- Updated and added new columns to my vinyl collection. As you do.
- Six new websites on the linkroll (plus two new tags, “Food” and “Subjunctive”), totting up to a total of 91.
- Added confelicity, playersexual, and respair to the compendium of good words, as well as punching up the loanword appendix.
- New quote and new Discord funny moment.
Lords of Misrule 2022
This part of the post is copied over from the main page for Lords of Misrule.
The cycle of a year is a wonderful thing. Trees grow and wilt, rivers ebb and flow, and every winter, Gæa blankets Herself in a snowy coat. All across Europe, people gather together, huddling around, exchanging gifts. Most would call it Christmas.
For us? Well… Io Saturnalia!
It’s time for the second annual Satyrs’ Forest Lords of Misrule! In the spirit of the topsy-turvy season, i’m putting you in charge of the site.
If you write or put together something — absolutely anything — and email it to misrule@satyrs.eu, come Saturnalia (that’s December 17 to 23, for those who aren’t up to date with their ancient festivals) i’ll put it up on the site, both on the blog and on its own dedicated, permanent subpage, etched in stone for all to see.
Like last year, i would ask that you refrain from political polemics or anything that would get this noble forest in legal trouble. Apart from that, anything goes. Your gran’s chocolate cake recipe? An impassioned defence of Freddy Got Fingered as an ironic masterpiece? Hell, i’ll even let you vandalise one of the permanent pages for a bit if you ask me to. Whatever you — my lords of misrule — want.
You can submit your entries from today until the 16th of December, 2021. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to get weird with it!
— Xanthe
- New page! The 100 greatest albums by 100 great artists — as decided by the internet.
- Four new posts on The Garden:
- The front page has been redesigned with a sleeker, less boring page index.
- I’ve begun the process of getting rid of Goatcounter in favour of my hosting provider’s good-enough analytics — figure it’s one less privacy risk for my dear devilishly handsome readers.
- You may have noticed some gradual swapping out of names in corners of the site — it’s not a trans thing or anything, just trying to anonymise a bit and build up a fictional persona for myself. :-)
- Two new posts on The Garden:
That new album from The 1975 is the greatest album ever made and you should go listen it right now. I’m not going to show you the updates until you do it. Start to finish. I’m watching you.
Done? Alright! Here’s the newest stuff:
Five new posts on The Garden, natch.
- Link roundups XII and XIII.
- What does AI make of the Gods? (Quite proud of this one!)
- Shatner on space
- Just write about gardening or the Bible or Zootopia fanfiction or something
- Added a whole heaping of new curious words, from oerknal to skyclad. Check them out!
- Cleaned up the otter’s holt a bit.
I leave the new page update late one time and then the Queen dies. Never again. (My apologies for the slowdown in additions — there’s been a whole menagerie of things for me to deal with in meatspace.)
- The music page has been fully revamped, and rechristened The Panpipes — give it a whirl!
- New posts on The Garden:
- Added a parody of those “in this house we believe…” signs to the hot takes page, because what’s life without a little fun sometimes?
- Four new good names for a band.
- Added the excellent Jet Lag to the list of quality Youtube channels.
- New page! The Otter’s Holt, in which i expose myself as shameless furry trash. (I’m sorry you had to find out this way.)
- Added three new links to ye olde linke-rolle (bringing the total up to 88), alongside the beginnings of a Dutch translation. Exciting!
The Garden now has a wicked cool hacked-together archives widget, as
well as the following new pages:
- Walking down e-memory lane
- A walk down to the Quayside
- The July media catchup (This was actually posted in June, but the cockup’s been there for over a month and i can’t really be bothered to fix it)
- Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, volumes IX and X
- A lush cover of “Running up that Hill” (linkblogging like it’s 2009!)
- Two wolves
- Basa de Dunya has its first substantial translation, that being the Lord’s Prayer. (I haven’t suddenly become some sort of feckless Galilean ruffian — it’s just an easily available, widely translated text with a good balance of length and substance versus common words.)
- Touched up the HTML template with a fresh lick of paint and some general updates to how i structure pages these days.
- New dream, as you do. Not sure why i’d ever take a trip to Malawi, but my oneiroself seemed to quite enjoy it.
- I’m also slowly working on a revitalised version of the music page — same general æsthetic, but as for the layout — well, have you ever seen a Nokia N-Gage?
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? As such, i can’t promise this is a complete list of updates, but it should be of use regardless:
- Five new sites have been added to the linkroll, bringing the total up to 85.
- A whole bunch of new Wikipedia pages of note, including but not limited to fragile paintings, pickle-selling white sultans, baby Jesus theft, and a big pile of holy shit.
- Slowly but surely adding new stuff to Basa de Dunya, now on its own page.
Posts of note on The Garden:
- Notes from St Peter’s Marina
- A crackpot theory about the song “Creep”
- Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, Volume VIII
- I really must get around to finishing that railway walk series now that summer’s upon us…
- New dream.
- There’s a little dingus at the top of the index page to celebrate International Rainbow Tat Month.
- Ah, crumbs — i accidentally set the date a year early on the last post, so most of you probably missed the fact that i now have a new domain name at satyrs.eu. Shan’t be happening again. In other news…
- I rescued a post about our Christmas tradition from the ashes of the deleted blog archive and spruced (heh) it up with its own proper formatting. Merry Christmeaster, everyone.
- New Discord funny moment.
- I’ve saved the best for last — we now have comments on the main site! Yes, really — just have a look at this very post. I’ll be gradually adding them across more pages, so keep an eye out!
Do not adjust your television set! I bought a .eu domain on a whim, and i figured i
might as well take it for a spin. The way i see it, either it’s only four quid down the drain and i end
up going back to the old domain, or i keep it and wipe any trace that anyone by my name was ever
involved in the making of this site. ;)
Anyway, erm, here’s the usual change roundup:
- I am — slowly — working on transcribing the original Greek of Sallustius’ “On the Gods and the World”. The copy i’m using is a little fuzzy, and i don’t speak Ancient Greek. This is only going to go so well…
- Some funky new Wikipedia pages of interest: a petty interstate fight, some really old sourdough, Hitler’s bollocks, and a man who turned himself into a cat.
- New guff on the Garden:
- Lightly fiddled about with the about page, as one does.
- Added “This Must Be the Place” to the list of songs i’ve cried to. It was the good kind of cry, for what it’s worth.
- New dream and funny moments.
- Updated the vinyl record collection.
- New page! Your author’s humble opinions. If i get cancelled, tell my wife i love hir.
- “This’ll be on my videotape” has been completely overhauled, with a #fresh new design and a dozen or so new videos.
- Added a bunch of new features to Rumpelstiltskin, including a Dutch version. The only reason i made this was because it annoyed me that all the existing Dutch Wordle knockoffs treated IJ as one letter, so finally getting it done was quite satisfying.
New on The Garden:
- The Big Here
- Eulogy for a food court
- Link roundups V and VI
- Chvrches at City Hall
- New Discord funny moment.
- Some routine additions to the music and vinyl pages.
- New page! Rumpelstiltskin is a little Wordle clone made to flex those programming muscles in me.
- New posts on The Garden:
- Added MGMT’s Oracular Spectacular to the vinyl record database.
Added the Museum of Old and New Art and the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art, and
National History to the bucket list.
- As an aside… did you know that the term ‘bucket list’ did not exist until the movie The Bucket List came out in 2007? No, really! I didn’t believe it either.
- I’ve done the Discord funny moments page up as a pastiche of Windows XP. It’s what Bill Gates would have wanted.
- Approximately three seconds after hitting “save” on the last update, i realised that i had neglected to include any updates to the blog. Whoops! For posterity’s sake, here’s all the updates to The Garden that i missed:
I’ve been working on a post which has turned out to be rather lengthier than i had expected and may
not be out for some time. A preview image to tide you over:
- New site name! Welcome to The Satyrs’ Forest. I always found just calling it satyrs.eu to be terribly, terribly generic.
- A visual refresh was in order for the quotes page, and with it comes the magic of video!
- Two links added to the linkroll, alongside two new tags (‘Americana’ and ‘Fledglings’).
- The about page now contains a helpful map to assist in geographical orientation.
- A Christmas Carol has been added to the Codex, partially just to test how a full book would work in the format, but mostly because it’s a lovely little read at any time of year.
- “What i believe” now has a brief digression on what i would like done to my corporeal body after i die.
- Updated the vinyl collection databank with Speaking in Tongues — “This Must Be the Place (Naïve Melody)” is surely up there as one of the greatest songs ever written.
- I may give in to the epicene urge to redesign my music page again at some point. Not saying i will, but…
The style guide has been outfitted with a brief statement of “general
content guidelines”.
There are enough miserable, cynical louts on the internet, and you mustn’t let yourself join them. It’s a beautiful wide world out there, and you’re going to spend it kvetching on your website about what someone said online? No thank you!
- New page! My predictions for 2022.
- Saturnalia came and went, bringing with it the following submissions:
- Three new posts on The Garden:
- Updated the calendrical correspondence table to provide a full overview for 2022.
- Added a funky little map to the family history section of my about page.
- Changed up the crest of my coat of arms.
- Added the Chrimbo haul to my vinyl record collection.
- Added “mun” to the Compendium of Curious Words.
- New page! The Codex Marinus is a small (but growing) library of texts i find important or useful to have.
Six new posts on The Garden, along with a redesign:
- Construction work underway
- Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, Volume II
- Walking the Blyth and Tyne, part three: B L Y T H.
- First frost (posted shortly before the recent disastrous storm)
- The Penshaw monument, ticking off part of my bucket list
- 2021
- Added thirteen new links to the ’roll, plus a random button for when it’s all a bit much.
- Gave the “what i believe” page a total refresh, with updated apologia and an illuminated visual design.
- The vinyl record collection now has details on which constituent country British acts hail from, as well as artists and bands’ gender composition.
- Some general futzery-aboutery with the about page: renumbered sidenotes, more detail about my gender expression, updating my responses for the fun part, that sort of thing.
- The front page now has some tantalising previews of pages yet to come.
Lords of Misrule 2021
This is a copy of the main page for the event.
“Iō Saturnalia!” So went the cry that marked the start of the eponymous classical holiday. For one glorious week, Roman society was turned on its head: slaves became masters; togas were out and ostentatious displays of colour were in; gag gifts were given; and one lucky person was elected the local King of Saturnalia. Whatever orders the King barked had to be followed, no matter how ridiculous. This tradition clung on even into the Christian middle ages as the English “lord of misrule” — a lone pagan vestige in a monotheistic world.
So, in the spirit of those winter holidays, to lighten up this frosty time of year, i thought it would be fun to let you play that rule for my website. Welcome, one and all, to the first annual satyrs.eu Lords of Misrule!
If you write or put together something — absolutely anything — and email it to
I would ask that you don’t submit any political polemics (we’ve had quite enough of those) or anything that would get me in legal trouble, but apart from that, anything goes. Your gran’s chocolate cake recipe? An impassioned defence of Freddy Got Fingered as an ironic masterpiece? A rant about how keyboards aren’t what they used to be? Whatever you — my lords of misrule — want.
You can submit your entries from today until the 16th of December, 2021. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to get weird with it!
— Xanthe
- Gave the heraldry page a lick of new paint, added a bunch of sidenotes, added a ton of people to the roll of arms, and generally spruced it up to 2021/700·1 standards.
- Similarly, the compendium of curious words has been redesigned to be more visually interesting, and three new words have been added (Pythoness, tsundoku, ululate).
- New posts on The Garden:
- I also made some pages for use on certain Discord guilds, but those are, alas, private.
- New page! My HTML template, which is precisely what it says on the can.
- Four new posts on The Garden:
- The index page has a spooooky Hallowe’en theme.
- In preparation for the addition of a trove of new links, the linkroll now has two new tags and three custom themes.
- Added a few more dates to the calendrical table, in preparation for the new Gregorian year.
- New important video.
- Added Sam Fender’s Seventeen Going Under to the jukebox and vinyl collection.
- The page on my coat of arms now has some acknowledgement of the fine people who assisted in the design.
- Ah, cripes, it’s been a while — sorry about that! Things got a little busy there. Anyway. Here’s everything that’s been added.
The index page now has a nicer, more compact way of showing all the pages —
language-neutral, too!
Speaking of language-neutrality, all of the Dutch pages are now on their own subdomains —
for example,
rather than/heraldry/nl
Speaking of language-neutrality, all of the Dutch pages are now on their own subdomains —
for example,
A tonne of new articles on The Garden:
“Walking the Blyth and Tyne”, a new thing where i walk my local disused railway line and see
what interesting things i find
- An introduction to the idea
- Part one: Northumberland Park–Seghill
- Part two coming soon, i promise! This bloody writer’s block…
- Links for the twenty-seventh of September
- Autumn
“Walking the Blyth and Tyne”, a new thing where i walk my local disused railway line and see
what interesting things i find
- The about page now comes with a little bit where i answer Proust’s questionnaire.
- Added “Hoppípolla” to the list of songs i’ve cried to. No, you’ll never find out why.
- The nice videos page has generally been refreshed, with a new visual style, less of the pretentious lowercase, and an amusing new important video.
- Some more appendix crap on the style guide.
- New Discord funny moment.
- New dream.
- New page: Good names for a band.
- Five new posts on The Garden:
- Five new words in the compendium: alkin, halcyon, kiboze, latrinalia, spey.
- Added some new quotes, from The Big Lebowski and Good Omens.
- The style guide now has a fair few appendices.
- Another dream was recorded.
- The about page has been spruced up with some images and a new section about my family history.
- Added five new sites to the linkroll.
- Three new posts on The Garden:
- The vinyl record collection has changed URLs and received a major upgrade: new theming, more data, a sortable table — go check it out!
- Three new posts on The Garden — not too terribly interesting, i’m afraid…
- Added four new links to the list of interesting Wikipedia articles: Cannonball Run challenge, Dreamachine, Hebenon, and Dixy Lee Ray.
- Added some more singles (‘Identity Theft’, ‘Serotonin’, ‘Think About Things’, ‘Astrid’) to the jukebox.
- The Hoorn Manual of Style is now on version 2.0.2.
- Added a bunch of new important videos to the videotape, alongside a mild restyling.
- And — happy belated New Year!
- The music page has been rejuvenated, bringing the æsthetic from 1981 to 2001. #Y2K
- The Hoorn Manual of Style is now in its second edition, taking out the cruft and adding more examples.
- New posts on The Garden:
- New page: Leaders of the world through history. Mostly Anglosphere countries at this point, but it’ll grow…
- Rejigged the about page a bit, adding ‘See also’ links to relevant pages in each subsection.
- Added ‘White Woman’s Instagram’ to the list of songs i’ve cried to, as well as a Dutch translation. (I know.)
- Three new posts on The Garden:
- The linkroll is one of the more popular pages that people get linked to, so i’ve added a small link out to the main site in the header to try and nudge people to visit the rest of the site… 😉
Added a new quote to the assortment:
I am nothing but a bloody amœba. I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children.
- Added a new important video to the videotape.
- Added several articles to the list of interesting Wikipedia articles.
- Two new posts on The Garden:
- Added a new quote to ‘Quotes and other assorted aphorisms’.
- New record added to the list of vinyl records.
- Two new dreams.
- Fixed a misspelling of ‘hemisphere’ as ‘hempisphere’ on the calendrical correspondence table. Whoops!
- Added a new funny moment to Discord funny moments
- Futzed around a bit with the style guide
- Several new posts on The Garden:
New page, sort of! The Garden has been moved to a new
URL, at satyrs.eu/garden. This new version is now
powered by WordPress, letting me post more easily and letting you comment more easily. Huzzah! The
first two posts:
- Welcome to the new Garden
- 7AM puzzles (Comments are still open to anyone who’s solved them…)
- Three new links have been added to the linkroll.
- Nicæa, my directory of religious websites on Neocities, has been deprecated and taken off of the index page. It only makes sense now that i’m not using it anymore.
- A “dark mode” of ſorts has been added to the ſhrine pages. If one clicks on the ſun in the top right corner, the lights will go dark, with only portraits of the relevant God in light. The picture frames on my real life ſhrine have a tendency to break, ſo until i can get my hands on ſome ſtatuettes, this will have to do…
- Added my “most enjoyed” song and film to the about page.
- Two new dreams have been listed on the dream log.
One new quote has been added to “Quotes and other assorted aphorisms”:
A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. (אַ שפּראַך איז אַ דיאַלעקט מיט אַן אַרמיי און פֿלאָט)
- The style guide now has clarification on when to capitalise the word Pagan and a list of Americanisms that tend to catch me out.
- We’ve moved! This webste is now hosted by the fine people at Krystal, a UK-based web host powered by 100% renewables. Neocities has been fun, and i’ll try to keep in touch — but if you have any stray Neocities links laying around, now’s the time to change them over.
- The heraldry page now has a fancied-up list of fellow internet armigers, alongside some coats of arms i designed for online communities i take part in.
- Two new records have been acquired for my vinyl collection.
Work is going well on porting The Garden over to WordPress:
- I’m trying a new thing: The NEOcharts, a fortnightly(ish) music chart based on your Last.fm streams. Want to learn more? Click the link!
- New page! My vinyl record collection (Mijn lp-verzameling).
- Four new posts on The Garden:
- Mx. van Hoorn’s compendium of good words: If you print the page out on paper, it should now print the URLs of links as footnotes.
- One loan word per language: Added seven new languages: Akkadian, Albanian, Amharic, Arabana, Xhosa, Yagara, and Yoruba.
- The 404 page will now automatically try to redirect you to the right place.
- Deprecated the Holocene calendar (the thing where i would write 2021 instead of 2021). We’re free!
- Added the following new pages to the list of interesting Wikipedia articles: Ball lightning, Burnt house horizon, Cagot, Chabad messianism, Rodney Marks
- Two new posts on The Garden:
- A commemorative banner has been temporarily added to the front of the index page to commemorate my late grandfather. May he rest in peace.
- The index page has been done up a bit: it’s now fully bilingual, and the colophon is no longer a boring wall of text.
Two new posts on The Garden:
- Site statistics for March 2021
- Joyous April — this tied into an April Fool’s joke where all my site’s text was set in Comic Sans with rainbow colours for the day
- The linkroll has had some improvements made for those of you on mobile: sites which don’t play nice with mobile phones are now clearly marked, and phone users will now see screenshots made on a phone instead of on a desktop computer.
- The words iktsuarpok and galeänthropy have been removed from the Compendium of Good Words, as i suspect they’re the sort of word that are used more often in compilations of Top 10 Shocking And Rare Words That Will Amaze Your Balls Off!!! than in actual use as words
- New page! Things to do before i die (and its Dutch translation).
- The style guide has been updated with a new section about the proper usage of apostrophes, ʻokinas, quote marks, &c.
- Turns out my domain name providers (💜 Gandi) have a free 10-day trial of their web hosting services, including WordPress — i think i’m going to muck about with that to see if i can get a theme in order that looks somewhat like The Garden, in case i ever move to a “real” hosting provider.
- New post on The Garden: Vaccinated. (Dutch version)
- Added eight new words to the Compendium: cephalophore, endling, graupel, kalends, malefit, skolion, sfumato, and thing. All of these were taken from a .txt-file list compiled by one Kartik Chandra at Stanford University, so credit where credit’s due to him!
- New post on The Garden: Links for the 24th of March
Added the following item to my list of wants:
Move to a “real” host. I love Neocities with all my heart and know that if i moved away it’d probably decimate (in the Roman sense) the number of people who come to visit this site, but it is slowly killing me that The Garden is such a faff to update and can’t support comments in any easy-to-use way without being dependent on some skeevy outside service or forcing everyone to email them in like it’s 1995.
- Inspiration sources for specific pages were added to the Dutch version of the about page.
A new post yelled into the void:
oh my god
- New page! Quotes and other assorted aphorisms.
I’m experimenting with showing Dutch-language content on The Garden (or should that be
De Tuin), in my ongoing effort to make this site completely bilingual. On that
note, there are a number of new entries over there:
- Even uitwaaien by Holywell Dene
- Three new themes (have been added to The Garden) [NL]
- Links for the 17th of March
- The Spring of Rebuilding
- De Lente van Heropbouwing
- Added some more events to Holocene History, but i can’t help but feel woefully unequipped to maintain a single page detailing all of human history — me thinks it’s about time to lay it to rest at some point…
- The style guide has been updated to specify the distinction between Phoenix, the city, and phœnix, the bird.
- One new post on The Garden: A jaunt around Holywell Dene.
Revamped the conlangs page to just be a bare-bones portal of links to
individual pages for each of my conlangs. Worry not, the old page is still accessible at
… - On that note, some more details have been added to the documentation on Basa de Dunya, especially its orthography.
- Added ‘koala’, from Dharug gula, to ‘One Loanword per Language’.
- Added a new Discord funny moment, but also removed a bunch that were too long and rambly or which otherwise no longer amused me, necessitating an almost complete reshuffling of pseudonyms. Got to keep that alphabetical order!
- Fixed an embarrassing mistake on the calendrical correspondences: it’s Elaphebolion, not Elaphabelion.
- Fixed some mistakes on the calendrical table, as well as translating it into Dutch.
- New post on The Garden: Beer and the NeoCharts (maybe). Do let me know if you’d be at all interested in the NeoCharts idea!
- Added an important video to my videotape.
- Added three new websites to Nicæa, as well as some little symbols for each religion header.
- Did some tidying up to “Country counting”, as well as translating it into Dutch.
Jotted down a new dream (and moved the relevant page from
- New page, in response to a reader request: s → ſ, a widget to convert from short to long S-es.
- The heraldry page has now been translated into Dutch! Researching this was a royal pain in the bum because, as you can imagine, there are no easily-accessible English→Dutch dictionaries pertaining to heraldic jargon.
- New post on The Garden: February 2021 in the rear view mirror.
- Added labels for mobile compatibility to the Nicæa directory.
- Well chuffed with this — the page on heximal counting now has a little widget at the bottom that you can use to convert between hexadecimal/decimal numbers and heximal words!
- The Gender Tetrahedron has been updated with new info and now also has a Dutch translation.
- New post on The Garden: A disorganised mess.
- You’ll have to forgive me if this is more disorganised than usual, because i blew the old index page to kingdom come in a command-line accident the other day. It’s been reorganised now; out with the neon purples, in with the green-and-pleasants! The old version was getting bloated anyway.
- New page: There are two continents. Also available in Dutch and Esperanto.
- There was a new links post on The Garden.
And a new post yelled into the void:
imagine if we finally decipher linear a and then all the inscriptions turn out to be really pedestrian. like. linguists spend centuries figuring it out and it's all just “buy more goat’s milk” and “becky you unchivalrous harlot give me back the kids”
- Two new posts have been yelled into the void.
- I’ve written five new posts on The Garden:
I finally went and touched up some pages that hadn’t been touched in forever. Most every page should
now have the correct favicon — except the ſhrine pages; i’m planning on
making cuſtom favicons for thoſe — and analytics. (Oh, and links back to the home pages should now
be going to an unadorned link without any sort of
- Added a list of armigerous fellow netizens to the heraldry page
Added bescumber, crepuscular, and elf-locks to the
compendium of good words
- Added Cossack (from Ukrainian), boondocks (from Tagalog), and tattoo (from Samoan) to “One loan word per language”
- Five new posts on The Garden:
- I’m working on moving the documentation on Basa de Dunya — the current iteration of Yedena, from my conlang page — to my website from its current state as a loosely-organised Notepad file.
- Also, i fixed a slip-up i made with the Attic dates on this changelog. Everything was one day ahead of where it should have been by accident — whoops!
- New page: Songs i have cried my silly little heart out to
Five new pages added to the linkroll:
- alltooflat.com/pranks/cube,
- arkmsworld.neocities.org,
- nomorecorners.wordpress.com,
- superpixelquest.com, and
- umhi.xyz.
Three new albums added to Music i like:
- Taylor Swift’s Folklore,
- Thom Yorke’s Anima, and
- Rina Sawayama’s Sawayama.
- Bastille’s Doom Days was removed to make way.
Four new posts on The Garden:
- Is every national leader in the Americas a Catholic? (No.)
- Testing out analytics with GoatCounter
- An incalculable loss (this one gets a little ranty and political, sorry)
- Seven links plus two
- Basic analytics are now being collected on certain pages via GoatCounter, a (reasonably) privacy-respecting, open-source analytics service that doesn’t use your data for advertising. The only things i’m tracking are which site referred people here (so i know where those traffic spikes i get are from) and which country it was accessed from (because i’m just curious).
, the script i use to swap out pronouns on pages, is nowpwitch.js
. The name was always kind of awkward.
- New page: A calendrical table
- RSS has landed! Follow changes to the website with this Atom feed.
- Three new posts on The Garden:
- Added Things Magazine and Interconnected to The Garden’s blogroll.
- One new post added to Discord funny moments
- Updated the style guide to specify CE and BCE over AD and BC
- Finally made the coat of arms, heximal, and Toast3r pages mobile-compatible — that should be everything!
- Redid the index page’s pride buttons
- „Wat geloof ik?” now uses the long S— i suspect my paranoia that using it in Dutch would make me look like a Nazi was overblown.
- Right, hello! After months of the only information of what’s changed being non-specific date numbers on the front page, i’ve finally set up a proper changelog; i’ll try to keep this irregularly updated with recent changes to the site. Might even add RSS at some point, if i can be bothered to figure it out. Anyway, in recent news…
- One new important video has been added to “this’ll be on my videotape”:
- Two new posts have been written on The Garden:
- This website now has a functioning favicon. I’ll be rolling it out to pages as i edit them — there’s a lot of pages to edit, you can’t rush this sort of thing!
- I’m testing out designs for comments on The Garden on a sandbox page. Comments will just work via you emailling them and me manually adding them; it’s the easiest way to get around Neocities’ limitations as a static site host.