- A list of “human universals” — things said to be common across all human civilisation.
- “I agree with the flag-waving patriots that America is God’s own land — I just happen to believe that that God is Dionysos.”
- Are Boeing’s first aeroplanes secretly being stored underneath a sacred mountain in New Zealand?
- Is there any song more melancholic, and yet, so hypnotically addictive, as “Golden Brown”? Something about that harpsichord just sends me to another world.
- I’m going to need you all to look at this ridiculously comprehensive, wide-ranging sci-fi alternate history map project Thing — including the associated lore docs, which are currently longer than the first Harry Potter book. Joanne could never.
Someone once pointed out to me the strangeness of naming a chat client discord.
I love Golden Brown. Instantly captivating song.
On the contrary, i would argue that Discord is in fact the perfect name for a yoof-focused chat app. It brings to mind “discussion” and “discourse”, while still maintaining a wry, anarchic sense of humour about the whole affair (“well, we know you’re just going to use it to get into fights”).
God, i sound like Patrick Bateman.