- Everyone working at this mammoth deëxtinction company looks exactly how i would expect someone working at a mammoth deëxtinction company to look.
- The numbers pool and the ultimately large telescope
- I would say “shut up and take my money” to this cyborg ankle bracelet if only they listed a price tag of any sort — if this isn’t vapourware i want one so badly. From the people who brought you the magnetic north organ
- Who scratched the word “PRAY” on every phone booth in New York in the seventies?
The Youtube rabbit hole:
- Are you gnomepilled yet? (14′)
- Justin Whang presents The game composer who was caught faking being deaf (21′)
- Roasting every state welcome sign (24′)
- Jet Lag is back, and they’re playing a game of tag across Europe! (26′)
Bonus link, because i’m not waiting until next month (or however long it takes me to gather a suitable pile): <a href="https:www.lamag.comcitythinkblogzodiac-killer-paul-alfred-doerr/" rel="nofollow ugc">Over the course of this article on a new Zodiac Killer suspect i went from thinking “oh, it’s probably just another guy who wants to hawk his book” to “oh my god is that him?”</a> — all tied together by a letter sent into Oberon sodding Zell, of all people!