- ClosedAI.com. Clicking around enters you into a deep rabbit hole whose contours or reason for existing i am yet to figure out.
- The slow radioactive flood of Kyrgyzstan’s breadbasket
- The Samples of Sonic Rush
- “Again, in a dispute with Cicero, Metellus Nepos asked repeatedly ‘Who is your father?’ ‘In your case,’ said Cicero, ‘your mother has made the answer to this question rather difficult.’”
- I would like to give a shoutout to the Don Q Inn, a truly audaciously themed motel in Wisconsin.
- The magic of the monster-spawner minecart, Minecraft’s forgotten mechanic
- The Druridge Bay curlew, or, the most controversial bird in English history
- IC 342: “If the galaxy were not obscured, it would be visible by naked eye.”
- Trevor (duck)
- Canadian engineers are sworn to wear the Iron Ring upon their hands in a ritual penned by Rudyard Kipling. Incredible.
- This video has singlehandedly added years onto my lifespan.
- Oh, and whilst i’m here, Lords of Misrule has begun rolling out its entries for the Saturnalia season. Do check the first one out should you have the time.
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