The GardenDespatches from The Satyrs’ Forest

Page 18

Links voor 4 juni

Links for the 4th of June

May 2021 recap

So this is June
and what have you done?
Another month over
a new one just begun

Films watched

  • Guy Ritchie’s Snatch (2000) (A-)
  • Barry Sonnenfeld’s Men in Black (1999): Ruthlessly efficient. Gets in and out in 90 minutes. (A-)
  • Dreamworks’ Shrek (2001): Watched as it was meant to be seen, in the original Polish (C+)
  • Peter Weir’s The Truman Show (1998): While sailing across the internet, i happened across a copy of the original draft of the script. It is so much darker, and so much weirder.
    • It’s set in a constructed version of New York City instead of a small town in Florida
    • He finds his own name in a dictionary
    • Truman threatens to kill a baby and it is played completely straight
    • Instead of ending when he disappears out the door it continues and he hijacks a tram and has a shoot-out on the roof of the studio????
    • He hires a prostitute to recreate his encounter with the girl who told him it was all a TV show
  • Anyway, the cut that got released is a very good film to show to your friends who haven’t seen it before and watch their reactions. It’s also — for me personally — one of those Back to the Future-type films, where it’s all so immaculately put together that you can watch it over and over and there’s always something new to enjoy (A+)

Top 10 most viewed pages on the site this May

  1. Index page: 219 views
  2. Linkroll: 82 views
  3. The Garden (front page): 59 views
  4. Toaster shade generator: 46 views
  5. About the author: 35 views
  6. The log of changes: 26 views
  7. Music i like: 21 views
  8. Things i would like to add to my site: 20 views
  9. What i believe: 16 views
  10. Toaster: 15 views

The rest of the “primary” pages on my site (that is, those which aren’t part of any kind of regular series) are, in decreasing order of views, The foreſt of ſhrines, My coat of arms, Discord funny moments, the Marijn van Hoorn style guide, my bucket list, ‘There Are Two Continents’, the Gender Tetrahedron, interesting Wikipedia articles, yelling into the void, Heximal, the NEOcharts (RIP), Quotes and other assorted aphorisms, a calendrical table, My vinyl record collection, s → ſ, the log of dreams, my conlangs, noughts and crosses, ‘this’ll be on my videotape’, Kunstgalerie van Hoorn, A nicer ƿaȝ of ƿriting Engliſh, the Compendium of Good Words, country counting, and songs i have cried my silly little heart out to. Zero views were received by copypastables and holocene history, which… you know, fair enough, they’re both indescribably boring pages.

Top 5 most read entries on The Garden

  1. Welcome to the new Garden
  2. 7AM puzzles
  3. Site statistics for April 2021
  4. ‘Testing, testing… If this goes through, this should be my first successful blog post made from my phone.’
  5. Links for the 22nd of May

Top 10 countries where most people are reading from

  1. The United States
  2. The United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. France
  5. India
  6. New Zealand
  7. Sweden
  8. Germany
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Brazil

Links voor 26 mei

Links for the 26th of May

Lady Waterford Hall

Ik weet niet hoe sommige mensen het doen, bijna elke dag een nieuw artikel schrijven. Misschien is mijn leven gewoon niet interessant genoeg ervoor…

Hoe dan ook. Ik was van plan een volledige post te schrijven over een recente uitstap naar Lady Waterford Hall, maar mijn geheugen is verschríkkelijk en volgens mij zou het niet erg interessant zou zijn. In plaats daarvan, hier zijn wat foto’s van de reis:

De binnenkant van een kleine kerkzaal, waarvan de muren aan de bovenkant bedekt zijn met glorieuze schilderijen van bijbelse taferelen, de onderste helften wit geschilderd en bedekt met kleinere, ingelijste schilderijen. De vloer is bezaaid met stoelen, informatiestands, kasten, en andere dergelijke hulpmiddelen. Achter in beeld snuffelen twee mensen in de schappen van de winkel, terwijl twee anderen aan de balie werken. Vertaald met (gratis versie)
Wijzend naar de cadeauwinkel.
Een prerafaĂŤlitisch schilderij op een houten paneel siert de muren van de eerder afgebeelde kerkzaal. Hierop staat een jongen met gouden haar in een tuniek en een staf, David de Herder, trots zijn kudde schapen hoedend terwijl de bergen op de achtergrond opdoemen. Hij staat afgebeeld in een driehoekig kader, met op de bovenste twee randen een bijbelse tekst en op de onderste rand in hoofdletters: "David. De. Herder." Rondom de lijst zijn nog twee portretten gegraveerd in kleinere cirkels, terwijl de rest is beschilderd met heldergroene bladeren en wijnranken.
"De Student". Deze foto is een beetje meer potato quality dan de rest, want het schilderij zit achter een glazen lijst…

(Mogelijke bezoekers: De toegang is gratis met een voorgestelde donatie van drie pond, en het museum is rolstoeltoegankelijk.)

Lady Waterford Hall

I don't know how some people do it, posting almost every day. I suppose my life just isn’t interesting enough for this sort of thing!

Anyway. I was going to write up a full post about a recent jaunt to Lady Waterford Hall, but my memory is awful and i’m not sure that it would be very interesting. Instead, here are some photos from the trip:

The inside of a small church hall, the upper heights of its walls covered in glorious paintings of Biblical scenes, the lower halves painted white and covered in smaller, framed paintings. The floor is riddled with chairs, information stands, cabinets, and other such auxiliaries. In the back of the shot, two people browse the store shelves, while two others work at the reception desk.
Pointing towards the gift shop.
A pre-Raphaelite painting on a wooden panel adorns the walls of the previously depicted church hall. On it, a golden-haired boy in a tunic holding a staff, David the Shepherd, stands proud, herding his flock of sheep as mountains recede in the background. He is depicted within a triangular frame, the top two edges inscribed with Biblical verse, the bottom edge blaring, in all capital letters, "David. The. Shepherd." Around the frame, two more portraits are inscribed in smaller circles, while the rest is painted with bright green leaves and vines.
A framed painting from the gallery. A blonde-haired student in a red shirt hunches over a vast tome resting on piles of yet more books, his head illuminated only by a lamp as he writes. Over him, in the grim darkness, watches the Grim Reaper, toyingly placing a halo above his heat. In the top left corner, the only other source of light streams in, a view of a dark cityscape at midnight.
“The Student”. This photo’s a bit more potato-y than the rest, because it was behind a glossy frame…

(If you’d like to visit, admission is free with a suggested donation of £3, and the place is wheelchair-accessible.)